Smart Power Automation


Motorized Retractable Sliding Gates

Posted on: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 Tags:

Retractable gates are another automated gates by smartpower automation, though it can be used as fences when more area is need to cover. Retractable gates are known as collapsible gates These are commonly seen in the shopping malls, hospitals and other buildings as perimeters or fences just to surround the area. These are made of stainless steel or aluminium materials.  Basic patterns in which retractable gates are made are zigzag patterns in which Steel bars attached to each other.  

Advantages:  The broad structure of retractable gates, makes it difficult to cross or tamper the structure. Totally covered retractable gates by smartpower automation are of heavy weight that even can block any vehicles in case of crash or rush driving saving the walls of the building. So these are recommended to install around accident prone zones like side roads with hard turns. Those retractable gates which comes with zigzag patterns are light in weight so they can block from pedestrians and street animals, though both fully covered or zigzag retractable gates are not included on safety providing systems. Zigzag retractable gates are commonly seen on the sidewalks of streets. Due to zigzag pattern each part of gate fits well within the given time.Retractable are better options than walls fencings because these can move or can be removed as per requirements.  These kind of gates are used when comparatively more opening space is needed and more places are there to cover up. Retractable gate provides 80% of opening space and another 20% of space is taken to place the whole structure of gates when the gate is fully open. 

Technical features:   Retractable gates are also known as collapsible gates. Because their parts collapse to other parts providing a large opening.  At   smartpower automation the motor used for retractable gates are of high grades. Motors pulls the whole weight of gate. They can operated using remotes or snesors. In smartpower automation, retractable gates are provided with sensors so that if something comes on the way of gate it wont go further.  Apart from  providing heavy duty motors, smartpower  motors provide high speed for gate operation. The speed of gate is 15 meter/ min at opening and closing. Smartpower retractable gates come with advanced alarm systems and LED lights. These features are just to alert people about the opening or closing of gates. Security alarm system can also be coupled with these gates. Retractable gates can be controlled by switches or by remotes.

Key Features:    Retractable gates are used as movable remote controlled fencing options. These gates are made of stainless steel or aluminium. Retractable gates can give opening of 77% to 80%. Standard height of retractable gates are 1.6meters but at smartpower automation  its height can range from 1.6meters to 2 meters.These gates are mostly used to cover up or surround a large area in a very short time duration.  At smartpower retractable gates are made in a manner so they can go without rails and they do not need to follow the rail tracks. Stainless steel body provides strength and integrity for outdoor operations of gates. 

types and operation:  On the basis of  structures retractable gates are of mostly two types, one comes with rail tracks and another without rails. Rail or without rail, it totally depends upon customer’s choice. Without rail track gates need a heavy duty motor because there is not tracks to make its movement smoother,  In smartpower the motor that is required for without rail tracks retractable gates totally fits for this requirement.


  • Made of stainless steel 
  • Can be with or without rail lines 
  • Height upto 2 meters (standard height is 1.6m) 
  • Used for fencing an area (doesn’t serve as a security solution, but serves as a substitute for fencing or covering an area) 
  • Can be remote controlled or switch controlled 
  • Can be fitted with alarm lights or sound